Who called me 01792 area code?

Who called me 01792 area code?

💡 01792 is the area code for Swansea and the surrounding area.

Is 01792 a free number?

Calls to 01792 numbers are charged at the normal landline rate of 13p per minute. Calls from mobiles to 01792 numbers range between 3p and 55p per minute depending on your call package. All 01 and 02 UK numbers are charged at the same rate.

Where is area code 01709 in the UK?

Where is the 01709 Area Code? The Rotherham 01709 dialling code is situated in the county of South Yorkshire in the Yorkshire and the Humber Region of the UK.

What area code is 1792?

After PhONEday, the 1792 area code began to be recognized as the Swansea area code. It is also used in towns and communities that are located in close proximity to Swansea. Bishopston, Clydach, Gorseinon, Gowerton, Mumbles and Ravenhill are some of the areas that are encompassed by the 1792 area code.

What area code is 01752?

01752 is the area code for Plymouth, Devon, UK.

Who rang 01709?

🔔 Our Calling Line Identification system has identified the telephone number 01709 242673 as Vodafone. The reason for calling reported by our community is related to: bank. Although this number belongs to Vodafone, not all calls that appear to come from that number are genuine.

Who called 01709276993?

Caller identification ⚠️ According to our users’ reports, there is a high probability that the telephone number 01709276993 that called you is an energy phone scam! At the moment, our Calling Line Identification system CANNOT verify this number .

What is Swansea zip code?

02777Swansea / Zip code

Who called from 01752?

Where is area code 01792 in Swansea?

Swansea Telephone Numbers. The 01792 area code covers Swansea and the surrounding area. 01792 numbers can also be based in the following locations near to Swansea: Bishopston (W Glam) Clydach. Gorseinon. Gower.

What is the correct way to write number 01792?

The correct way to write number beginning 01792 is in the format 01792 xxxxxx. The local number (the part of the number after the dialling code) is 6 digits long.

Why is Swansea’s area code 0792?

Historically, the mnemonic code for the Swansea city was SW2. The letters ‘S’ and ‘W’ in the mnemonic are the two initials from the name ‘Swansea’.These characters correspond to 7 and 9 on the old rotary phone. Thus, the area code became 0792.

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