Which of the following factor does not have a negative effect on Indian democracy answer?

Which of the following factor does not have a negative effect on Indian democracy answer?

The following factors does not have a negative effect on Indian democracy: One Vote one value. Free and fair election. All have right to choose their leaders.

Which form of government is considered non democratic?


Why is democracy considered successful?

(i) Not rich and powerful people but the rulers elected by the people must take all major decisions. (ii) The elections must offer a choice and fair opportunity to the people to change the rulers, if they want to. (iii) A choice and opportunity should be available to all the people based on political equality.

What do authoritarian monarchies and authoritarian oligarchies have in common?

What do authoritarian monarchies and authoritarian oligarchies have in common? Both exercise a broad degree of power, but are constrained by a constitution. Nothing, they both refer to rule by a single demagogue. Both are mostly unconstrained in their exercise of power.

Which type of government accepts cultural equality?

The Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia ensures the human and democratic rights of all the nations, nationalities and peoples of Ethiopia without exception and it has granted equality and mutual cooperation to them all. c. 3.

What are some of the characteristics of a democracy that a dictatorship may adopt?

Some of the characteristics of democracy that the dictatorship adopt is elections, they made use of how they use the election method, another thing, they also adopt their legislative system and having citizens to participate in their government in means to provide advantages.

Is Italy federal?

In the tripartite classification of governmental systems as either confederal, federal, or unitary, Italy is generally taken to be a unitary state. It is, however, a governmental system that has seen a continuously increasing degree of decentralization, particularly since the 1970s.

Are there any democracies in the world?

The pure form of direct democracy exists only in the Swiss cantons of Appenzell Innerrhoden and Glarus. Switzerland is a rare example of a country with instruments of direct democracy (at the levels of the municipalities, cantons, and federal state). Citizens have more power than in a representative democracy.

Why is democracy considered better than dictatorship?

Democratic government is legitimate government. In a democratic government citizens have fundamental rights and duties but in dictatorship it is not so. In a democratic form of government, the decision making process is slow. Because it is follow by the procedures and its decisions are more acceptable to the people.

Which is better unitary or federal government?

Federal government is better than unitary government because : The power is not concentrated in only in the centre but it is distributed at the state or lower levels as well. This helps to avoid conflicts. Belgium shifted to federalism in 1993 whereas Sri Lanka is still a unitary government.

Is the UK federal or unitary?

The United Kingdom, despite being composed of four countries (England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland – the latter three having their own cabinet, legislature and First Minister) has traditionally been a unitary state governed by the Parliament of the United Kingdom in Westminster.

What is democracy system?

Democracy is government in which power and civic responsibility are exercised by all adult citi- zens, directly, or through their freely elected rep- resentatives. Democracy rests upon the principles of majority rule and individual rights. Fair, frequent, and well-managed elections are essential in a democracy.

How many nations are democracies?

The index is self-described as intending to measure the state of democracy in 167 countries, of which 166 are sovereign states and 164 are UN member states. The index is based on 60 indicators grouped in five different categories, measuring pluralism, civil liberties and political culture.

Why is China a unitary state?

China is a unified multiethnic country with a unitary political system. To ensure that the legal system remains unified yet at the same time adapts to the uneven economic, political and cultural development or different areas, China practices a unified, multilevel legislative system.

Can a unitary government be democratic?

In the unitary government all forms of power are held by the central government, but that government can still elected by the people, and if so, would only have the powers that the people allowed it to have. So, a government could be both unitary and democratic.

How does culture affect democracy?

Cultural modernization theory argues that socioeconomic development does not directly cause democracy; instead, economic development produces certain cultural changes, such as the emergence of a civic culture, and it is these cultural changes that ultimately produce democratic reform.

What’s the difference between democracy and a republic?

“It [the difference] is that in a democracy, the people meet and exercise the government in person: in a republic, they assemble and administer it by their representatives and agents. A democracy, consequently, must be confined to a small spot. A republic may be extended over a large region.”

What is cultural democracy?

“Cultural democracy” stands for pluralism, participation, and equity in cultural life and cultural policy. “Cultural democracy” names the complex of values which ought to guide the evolution of cultural life. It is the animating philosophy behind community cultural development.

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