Where does the apostrophe go on old times sake?
– Apostrophe and no s for a singular noun that ends in an s or z sound combined with “sake” – for goodness’ sake, for old times’ sake (times here is a plural so has the apostrophe after the s).
Is it all times sake or old times sake?
If you do something for old times’ sake, you do it in order to remember a happy time that you had in the past: We should all meet up again – just for old times’ sake.
What does it mean when you say for your sake?
for your sake: in the interests of your own health or happiness. idiom. You’d better have that money by Tuesday…for your sake. for God’s sake: for the love of God, for goodness’ sake, please!
How do you write for goodness sakes?
So you might think, as I did, that these terms are on the outs. Therefore, you might figure, there’s no use worrying about whether they’re written with an apostrophe, as in “goodness’ sake,” with an apostrophe plus an S, as in “goodness’s sake,” or with neither, as in “goodness sake.”
What are the rules of apostrophes?
An apostrophe is a punctuation mark used to create a contraction or to show possession.
- Use an apostrophe when two words are shortened into one.
- Use an apostrophe when showing possession.
- Do not create a double or triple “s” when adding an apostrophe.
- Do not use an apostrophe with pronouns to show possession.
What means old time?
old times – past times remembered with nostalgia. auld langsyne, good old days, langsyne. past, past times, yesteryear – the time that has elapsed; “forget the past” Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection.
Is for God sake rude?
Originally Answered: What does “for god’s sake” mean? It’s just an expression of anger. It originated in a time when saying “God” in that way was very taboo. When people want to express anger, they often reach for the most offensive words they can find, and those kinds of words were very offensive in those days.
Is for God sake a swear word?
It is unacceptable to use foul language, crude language, or swear words. “For God’s sake”, “Oh Christ Almighty”, “Goddammit”, etc. are some examples of these phrases. A mild rebuke (e.g. It is acceptable to use stronger language or swear words (e.g. “damn it”).
Does For goodness sake need an apostrophe?
Actually, the proper version is “for goodness’ sake.” A singular noun that naturally ends in an “s” (that is, where the “s” is not intended to demonstrate plurality), takes an apostrophe at the end of the word without an additional “s” to denote possessive.
Is it goodness sake or sakes?
Picky folks point out that since the mild expletive “for goodness’ sake” is a euphemism for “for God’s sake” the second word should not be pluralized to “sakes”; but heavens to Betsy, if little things like that are going to bother you, you’ll have your dander up all the time.