What is the statement of budgetary resources?
A statement of budgetary resources (SBR) and related disclosures can provide useful information on the budgetary resources provided to a federal agency as well as the status of those resources at the end of a fiscal year.
What are the three primary accounting systems used by the Don?
For the Navy, Standard Accounting, Budgeting, and Reporting System (SABRS), Standard Accounting and Reporting System (STARS) Field Level (FL) and Headquarters Claimant Module (HCM) were identified as its primary systems.
What are fund holders required to review commitment transactions for?
Fund holders, with assistance from supporting accounting offices, shall review commitment and obligation transactions for timeliness, accuracy, and completeness during each of the four month periods ending on January 31, May 31, and September 30 of each fiscal year.
What is budgetary accounting in the federal government?
Budgetary accounting was designed to recognize the obligation of funds according to legal requirements, which, in many cases, is made prior to the occurrence of an proprietary accrual-based transaction. Budgetary accounting is essential for compliance with legal constraints and controls over the use of federal funds.
What is the statement of net cost?
The Statement of Net Cost is designed to show separately the elements of the net cost of the reporting entity’s operations for the period. Formats are displayed using notional data to assist the user.
What is Statement of Changes in Net Position?
Statements of Operations and Changes in Net Position. These statements report the results of government operations, net operating costs, which include the results of operations for funds from dedicated collections.
What does a Navy comptroller do?
The Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Financial Management and Comptroller) is responsible for managing and directing all of the financial matters, including the annual budgets, of the United States Navy and the United States Marine Corps.
What are the major DoD appropriations categories?
DoD receives many appropriations, most of which can be grouped into the five major categories: Research, Development, Test and Evaluation (RDT&E); Procurement; Operation and Maintenance (O&M); Military Personnel (MILPERS); and Military Construction (MILCON).
What’s the difference between commitment and obligation?
What’s the difference between commitments and obligations? A commitment is something you agree to do or choose to engage in. An obligation arises out of you choosing to commit to something. An obligation is something that you’re obliged to do; you feel you have to out of a sense of duty because you said you would.
What is the difference between the appropriation current and expired periods?
During this period, funds are available for obligation adjustments, expenditures, and outlays (but no new obligations). Whereas the current period duration varies per appropriation, the expired period duration (five years) is the same for all appropriations.
What are the budgetary accounts?
Budgetary accounts means those accounts necessary to reflect budgetary operations and conditions, such as estimated revenues, appropriations, and encumbrances.
How many parts does the Ussgl contain?
provides that the USSGL is composed of five major sections: (1) Chart of Accounts, (2) Account Descriptions, (3) Accounting Transactions, (4) USSGL Attributes, and (5) Crosswalks to Standard External Reports.
Is the Department of Defense’s budgetary data audit ready?
The Department has made significant progress in recent years with regard to its audit readiness efforts for General Fund budgetary data (Statement of Budgetary Resources). In January 2015, approximately 91 percent of Fiscal Year (FY) 2015 DoD General Fund budgetary data was under independent audit.
Does the Navy perform substantive documentation testing for support documents?
Although the Navy performed substantive tests for supporting documents, such testing may not provide sufficient evidence of the Navy’s ability to produce documentation in a substantive manner for future audits.
Does the Navy document its FBWT process in system narratives?
The Navy did not fully document its FBWT process in system narratives and flowcharts. For example, the Navy’s analysis did not explain the complex process that occurs within the Defense Departmental Reporting System – B, including merging data and deleting duplicative transactions.
How many systems does the Navy provide documentation for?
In September 2017, Navy provided documentation for 3 systems, but the documentation did not include system certifications or accreditations; system, end user, and systems documentation locations; and hardware, software, and interfaces. Further, during our audit, Navy provided a list of 22 relevant systems.