What is the rarest Myers-Briggs test?

What is the rarest Myers-Briggs test?

The INFJ is thought to be the rarest Myers-Briggs personality type, making up only 1-3 percent of the population. “INFJ” is an initialism that stands for Introversion (I), Intuition (N), Feeling (F), and Judgment (J), which describes the INFJ’s core characteristics.

Which personality type is the 4th rarest?

The Rarest to Most Common Myers-Briggs® Types

  • The ENTJ – The Rarest MBTI Type.
  • The ENFJ – The Second Rarest MBTI Type.
  • The INFJ – The Third Rarest MBTI Type.
  • The INTJ – Fourth Rarest MBTI Type.
  • The ENTP – 4.3% of the National Sample.
  • The INTP – 4.8% of the National Sample.
  • The ESFJ – 5.7% of the National Sample.

What is the rarest personality type out of 16?

The rarest of the 16 personality types is considered to be INFJ – this combination is only found in one to two percent of the population.

What personality type is mac always sunny?

10 Mac – INTJ One of the key traits of an INTJ personality is dedication. If nothing else, Ronald MacDonald (aka Mac) is dedicated. More than any other Paddy’s Pub member, Mac has always been invested in long-term pursuits.

What personality type is Morty?

Morty Smith: The Adventurer – ISFP.

Is Dennis a sociopath?

It’s unclear what is wrong with Dennis. Popular fan theories have labeled him a sufferer of antisocial and/or narcissistic personality disorder. On the show, he has been diagnosed with borderline personality disorder, although this does not rule out potentially comorbid disorders.

What are INFJs good at?

INFJs often do best in careers that mix their need for creativity with their desire to make meaningful changes in the world. INFJs are usually high achievers and excel in academics and the workplace. They can be perfectionists at times and tend to put a great deal of effort into their work.

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