What is the purpose of green stormwater infrastructure?

What is the purpose of green stormwater infrastructure?

Green stormwater infrastructure (GSI) diverts runoff of rain and snowmelt from the sewer system while providing environmental, social, and economic benefits.

What are the benefits of green infrastructure?

Green infrastructure increases exposure to the natural environment, reduces exposure to harmful substances and conditions, provides opportunity for recreation and physical activity, improves safety, promotes community identity and a sense of well-being, and provides economic benefits at both the community and household …

What are green infrastructure practices?

What Is Green Infrastructure? Green infrastructure encompasses a variety of water management practices, such as vegetated rooftops, roadside plantings, absorbent gardens, and other measures that capture, filter, and reduce stormwater.

What is stormwater management?

Stormwater management means to manage surface runoff. It can be applied in rural areas (e.g. to harvest precipitation water), but is essential in urban areas where run-off cannot infiltrate because the surfaces are impermeable. Traditional stormwater management was mainly to drain high peak flows away.

How does green space benefit the environment?

Green spaces also indirectly impact our health by improving air quality and limiting the impact of heatwaves by reducing urban temperatures. In addition, urban vegetation stores carbon, helping to mitigate climate change, and reduces the likelihood of flooding by storing excess rain water.

Why stormwater management is needed?

Effective stormwater management reduces the amount of runoff and runoff pollution by slowing runoff and allow- ing it to soak in. When stormwater stays close to where it falls, less soil erosion occurs and fewer pollutants are car- ried to surface water.

What are some examples of best management practices?


  • Use Fertilizers Wisely.
  • Apply Pesticides Wisely.
  • Use Landscaping Practices that Prevent Erosion.
  • Wash Your Vehicle Wisely.
  • Dispose of Pet Waste.
  • Use and Dispose of Household Chemicals Safely.
  • Evaluate Existing Roads.
  • Proper Planning of Roads.

How effective are BMPs for stormwater management?

These BMPs are most effective for use in controlling small, frequent storm events. Stormwater management benefits of runoff capture and reuse devices include volume reduction, water quality improvements, peak rate control, and groundwater recharge.

What are the different types of stormwater best management practices?

Pennsylvania’s Stormwater Best Management Practice Manual divides common stormwater best management practices (BMPs) into two categories: structural or non-structural.

Can stormwater management be used on brownfields?

Stormwater management on brownfields must be done very carefully due to contaminants in the soil. Best management practices (BMPs) that promote infiltration should not be utilized on brownfield areas. Infiltration into potentially contaminated soil may introduce additional pollutants to groundwater and streams.

What types of BMPs are suitable for brownfield areas?

Specific BMPs that may be suitable for use on brownfield areas include but are not limited to: vegetated roofs, stormwater capture and reuse (such as rain barrels or cisterns) and stormwater planters. Learn more about stormwater management in brownfield areas on our Stormwater Management page.

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