What is the name of a 100 sided polygon?

What is the name of a 100 sided polygon?

A 100-sided polygon is called a hectogon.

What polygon has 9999 sides?

What do you call a 9999-sided polygon? A nonanonacontanonactanonaliagon.

What is a 100000 sided shape called?


Regular megagon
Coxeter–Dynkin diagrams
Symmetry group Dihedral (D1000000), order 2×1000000
Internal angle (degrees) 179.99964°
Properties Convex, cyclic, equilateral, isogonal, isotoxal

What is a 200 sided polygon called?

What is the name of a polygon with…?

# Name of the Polygon + Geometric Drawing
200 sides dihectogon
300 sides trihectogon
400 sides tetrahectogon
500 sides pentahectogon

What is a 200 sided shape called?

What shape has the longest name?

Type Archimedean solid Uniform polyhedron
Elements F = 62, E = 120, V = 60 (χ = 2)
Faces by sides 20{3}+30{4}+12{5}
Conway notation eD or aaD

Is a myriagon a circle?

A myriagon, is a polygon with ten thousand sides, and cannot be visually distinguished from a circle.

What is a 100-sided Polygon called?

Quick Answer. A 100-sided polygon is called a hectogon, centagon or 100-gon. In general, any n-sided polygon with over 12 sides is called an n-gon. magoosh.com/gmat/2012/polygons-and-regular-polygons-on-th…

What are all the polygons names?

– monogon (Monogon and digon can only. – digon be used in rather special. – trigon, triangle circumstances. Trigon and. – tetragon, quadrilateral tetragon are alternatives to. – pentagon triangle and quadrilateral; – hexagon the adjectival forms trigonal. – heptagon and tetragonal are more common.) – octagon.

What is the most sided shape?

Circle – all points equidistant from a center point in 2-D space

  • Ellipse – the sum of the distance to two focal points is the same all over the curve planetary orbits
  • Parabola – mirror-symmetrical plane curve (u-shaped) the trajectory of terrestrial projectiles
  • Annulus – region bounded by two concentric circles
  • How many sides does the polygon have?

    How many sides does the polygon have? Can polygons have 2 sides? In geometry, a digon is a polygon with two sides (edges) and two vertices. Its construction is degenerate in a Euclidean plane because either the two sides would coincide or one or both would have to be curved; however, it can be easily visualised in elliptic space.

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