What is the meaning of tangle love?

What is the meaning of tangle love?

2. very complicated and difficult to deal with. his tangled love life.

How do you use tangle in a sentence?

twist together or entwine into a confusing mass.

  1. We employed a lawyer to straighten our legal tangle.
  2. He got into a tangle with his budget figures.
  3. The wool got in a fearful tangle.
  4. This string’s in a tangle.
  5. His financial affairs are in a tangle.
  6. The string was in a tangle.

What does let’s tangle mean?

phrasal verb. If you tangle with another person, you get involved in a conflict with them.

What does tangled antonym?

antonyms for tangled

  • apparent.
  • clear.
  • obvious.
  • ordered.
  • organized.
  • simple.
  • unraveled.
  • untangled.

Is untidily a word?

Meaning of untidily in English in a way that is not tidy: The table was heaped untidily with boxes and bags.

What does intertwist mean?

verb (used with or without object) to twist together: intertwisted roots. noun. the act of intertwisting or the condition of being intertwisted.

What is meaning of enmesh?

to catch or entangle
Definition of enmesh transitive verb. : to catch or entangle in or as if in meshes deeply enmeshed in the plot.

What is the sentence of plunged?

Plunged sentence example. Horse and rider plunged down the side of the dune toward them. Taking a deep breath, she plunged in. The dog plunged from the forest as she dodged the closing screen door.

How do you use confident in a sentence?

Confident sentence example

  1. The speakers were confident communicators.
  2. She was a confident swimmer.
  3. I am confident that I have found the right path.
  4. He was so confident and seemed to always know what he wanted.
  5. The salesperson had a confident manner with plenty of personality.
  6. I’m not as confident as you.

What kind of verb is tangled?

As detailed above, ‘tangled’ is a verb.

What is untidiness?

adjective, un·ti·di·er, un·ti·di·est. not tidy or neat; slovenly; disordered: an untidy room; an untidy person. not well-organized or carried out: an untidy plan. verb (used with object), un·ti·died, un·ti·dy·ing. to mess up; disorder; disarrange: The guests untidied the room.

What is the meaning of tangle?

Kids Definition of tangle (Entry 2 of 2) 1 : a mass that is twisted together and hard to straighten a tangle of yarn a tangle of branches. 2 : a complicated or confused state.

What does a mass of tangles mean?

1 A confused mass of something twisted together. ‘a tangle of golden hair’. More example sentences. ‘His brown hair was an unruly mass of tangles and knots.’. ‘As always when she woke up, her hair was a mass of tangles.’. ‘Her hair was a mass of tangles, sand and sweat caked to her scalp.’.

What does it mean to get tangled up in something?

To involve in a complicated situation or in circumstances from which it is difficult to disengage: He got tangled up in a scheme to commit fraud. To be or become entangled. Informal To enter into argument, dispute, or conflict: tangled with the law. A confused, intertwined mass: a tangle of blood vessels.

What is a tangle of wires?

an untidy mass of things that are not in a state of order, or a state of confusion or difficulty: a tangle of wires. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases.

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