What is the meaning of Cosmopolitanisation?

What is the meaning of Cosmopolitanisation?

adj. 1. belonging to all the world; not limited to the politics, interests, or prejudices of one part of the world. 2. of or characteristic of a cosmopolite; worldly; sophisticated.

What is a cosmopolitan person meaning?

Definition of cosmopolitan 1 : having wide international sophistication : worldly Greater cultural diversity has led to a more cosmopolitan attitude among the town’s younger generations. 2 : composed of persons, constituents, or elements from all or many parts of the world a city with a cosmopolitan population.

What is the meaning of Cosmopolitan in biology?

In biogeography, a taxon is said to have a cosmopolitan distribution if its range extends across all or most of the world in appropriate habitats. Such a taxon, usually a species, is said to exhibit cosmopolitanism or cosmopolitism.

What is a cosmopolitan woman?

People who are cosmopolitan have an air of glamour surrounding them, a sense that they’ve seen a lot of the world and are sophisticated and at ease with all different kinds of people. Places can also be described as cosmopolitan, meaning “diverse,” or bustling with lots of people of varying nationalities.

What does cosmopolitan person mean?

What does cosmopolitan mean in biology?

Are bacteria cosmopolitan?

Up to 81% of the phylotypes had high similarity (>98 to 100%) in partial 16S rRNA gene sequence to those reported from other alpine lakes and glaciers around the world, suggesting the presence of ‘cosmopolitan’ bacteria.

What organisms are cosmopolitan?

In biology an organism is said to be cosmopolitan (or cosmopolite) if it can be found almost anywhere on the Earth. Examples include: humans. House dust mite.

What kind of person is a cosmopolitan?

adjective. Cosmopolitan is defined as a person who is at home all over the world, or a type of alcoholic beverage made with vodka, lime juice, cranberry juice and orange flavored liqueur. An example of cosmopolitan is a frequent international traveler compared to someone who has never visited any place.

What is cosmopolitan in ecology?

Are humans Cosmopolitan?

Cosmopolitanism is the idea that all human beings are members of a single community. Its adherents are known as cosmopolitan or cosmopolite. Cosmopolitanism is both prescriptive and aspirational, believing humans can and should be “world citizens” in a “universal community”.

What is the meaning of cosmopolitanism?

cos·mo·pol·i·tan (kŏz′mə-pŏl′ĭ-tn) adj. 1. Pertinent or common to the whole world: an issue of cosmopolitan import. 2. Having constituent elements from all over the world or from many different parts of the world: the ancient and cosmopolitan societies of Syria and Egypt.

What is the opposite of a cosmopolitan species?

The extreme opposite of a cosmopolitan species is an endemic one, being found only in a single geographical location.

What is the meaning of Cosmo?

A cosmopolitan person or organism; a cosmopolite. 2. A cocktail made of vodka, orange liqueur, cranberry juice, and lime juice. Also called cosmo. cos′mo·pol′i·tan·ismn.

How does Immanuel Kant define cosmopolitanism?

By comparison, Immanuel Kant envisioned a cosmopolitan world where armies were abolished and humans were governed under a representative global institution. In all instances, proponents of cosmopolitanism share an emphasis that all humans should form one cohesive and united community.

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