What is the correct term for a stump?

What is the correct term for a stump?

the distal end of a limb left after amputation; called also residual limb.

Is stump offensive to amputees?

Amputees use a variety of words to describe their residual limbs, which is the technical term for the part of an arm or leg that remains after amputation. “Stump,” for example, resonates with Chilakos.

What is the politically correct term for amputee?

People who have undergone an amputation are commonly referred to as “amputees,” but the term may be offensive and often is not used correctly. Some people have a physical characteristic that is not a result of an amputation. NCDJ Recommendation: “Someone with an amputation” is generally acceptable.

What do you call an amputated part?

Residual Limb: The remaining portion of a limb after amputation, also called the “stump.”

What is a amputation stump?

After an amputation, the bit that’s left beyond a healthy joint is called a residual limb, or more commonly, a stump. People born without all or part of an arm or leg, are said instead to have a limb difference.

What does the slang word stump mean?

The word stumps is sometimes used as a slang term for the legs. The word stump can refer to a platform for making speeches.

What is a surgical stump?

Is stump a medical term?

Medical Definition of stump 1 : the basal portion of a bodily part (as a limb) remaining after the rest is removed. 2 : a rudimentary or vestigial bodily part.

What do amputees call themselves?

What does LIMD mean?

1 : any of the paired parts (as an arm, wing, or leg) of an animal that stick out from the body and are used mostly in moving and grasping. 2 : a large branch of a tree. Other Words from limb. limbed \ ˈlimd \ adjective. limbless \ ˈlim-​ləs \ adjective.

What is stump in amputation?

What are the types of amputation?

Levels of Amputation

  • Forequarter.
  • Shoulder Disarticulation (SD)
  • Transhumeral (Above Elbow AE)
  • Elbow Disarticulation (ED)
  • Transradial (Below Elbow BE)
  • Hand/ Wrist Disarticulation.
  • Transcarpal (Partial Hand PH)
  • Transmetacarpal.

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