What is the cognitive perspective in second language acquisition?
A cognitive theory of learning sees second language acquisition as a conscious and reasoned thinking process, involving the deliberate use of learning strategies. Learning strategies are special ways of processing information that enhance comprehension, learning or retention of information.
What is the social context of language learning?
Social context exerts a marked incidence in the language learning and teaching of L2. According to Stern (2003), social context is compounded by a group of social or environmental factors, which exercise a powerful influence in the process of language learning.
What is the language learning perspective?
According to the Behaviorist Theory, Skinner (1985) equated learning a language to verbal behavior. Therefore, he believes that language acquisition like any other behavior can be observed, rather than trying to explain the mental systems underlying these types of behaviors.
What is second language learning according to different scholars?
A second language is any language that a person uses other than a first or native language. Contemporary linguists and educators commonly use the term L1 to refer to a first or native language, and the term L2 to refer to a second language or a foreign language that’s being studied.
What is cognitive principles of language learning?
Cognitive principles comprise automaticity which means there is subconscious processing of language with peripheral attention to language forms; meaningful learning which can be contrasted to rote learning, and is thought to lead to better long term retention; anticipation of rewards in which learners are driven to act …
How many theories are there in second language learning?
five different theories
10McLaughlin presents adult second-language learning as a “subfield of applied linguistics” (1987: vii), he then expounds his view of theory and goes on to present five different theories of second language learning: The Monitor Model, Interlanguage Theory, Linguistic Universals, Acculturation/Pidginization Theory, and …
How does social class affect second language acquisition?
Social class: There is a relationship between social class and L2 achievement. Most of the studies show that children from lower socio-economic groups are less successful in L2 learning than children from higher groups.
What are the social factors affecting language learning?
Social factors refer to any feature of a community that may influence a learner´s acquisition of a second language. Culture and status also affect the learning process, sometimes in an indirect way.
What are the perspectives on first and second language acquisition?
First language acquisition is children’s acquisition of their native language, while second language acquisition is learning a language after acquiring the first language. Moreover, first language acquisition is a subconscious process, while second language acquisition is an active and conscious process.
What are the two major theoretical perspectives of language development?
Language development includes both receptive and expressive language. (Owens, 2012) There are four theories that explain most of speech and language development: behavioral, nativistic, semantic-cognitive, and social-pragmatic.
What factors influence second language learning?
Motivation, attitude, age, intelligence, aptitude, cognitive style, and personality are considered as factors that greatly influence someone in the process of his or her second language acquisition.
What are the factors affecting second language learning?
The factors include vocabulary, grammar, and interference of mother tongue (L1), self-efficacy and motivation. These factors are vital to research for the process of acquiring second language. Language is composed of vocabulary words which are synchronized by grammar affected by first language .
Is language learning social or cognitive?
Sociocognitive Perspectives on Language Use and Language Learning Theories of Second Language Acquisition (SLA) have tended to converge on two main notions; that language learning is either primarily cognitive (informed by processes ongoing within the brain of the learner) or primarily social (emerging as a result of social interactions).
Is second language acquisition social or cognitive?
yst_is_cornerstone: Theories of Second Language Acquisition (SLA) have tended to converge on two main notions; that language learning is either primarily cognitive (informed by processes ongoing within the brain of the learner) or primarily social (emerging as a result of social interactions).
Are target language interactions useful for learning?
Language Learning In Social TermsTarget language interactions can not be viewed as a source of input for autonomous and internal learning mechanisms. James Lantolf is the foremost figure advocating the relevance of socio -cultural theory to SLL\r
Is socio-cultural theory relevant to SLL?
James Lantolf is the foremost figure advocating the relevance of socio -cultural theory to SLL\r Lev Semeonovich Vygotksy & Jean Piaget (Language & Child Development)Mediation and mediated learningLanguage as a tool of taught\r Learning is a mediated process\r