What is stiff neck meningitis like?
A headache caused by meningitis is typically described as severe and unrelenting. It does not subside by taking an aspirin. Stiff neck. This symptom most commonly involves a reduced ability to flex the neck forward, also called nuchal rigidity.
Where is the headache located with meningitis?
The headache is generalized all over the head. Drowsiness and confusion may be present in the more severe cases. Seizures are rare in meningitis, but common in encephalitis which is an infection of the brain tissue. The onset of the headache and fever usually occurs quite rapidly.
What virus can cause a stiff neck?
Meningitis is an infection that affects the protective membranes that surround the spinal cord and brain, called the meninges. Meningitis can cause many symptoms, including a stiff neck. Meningitis can be serious if a person does not seek treatment quickly.
When should you suspect meningitis?
Seek immediate medical care if you or someone in your family has meningitis signs or symptoms, such as: Fever. Severe, unrelenting headache. Confusion.
How do u get meningitis?
Meningitis is an inflammation (swelling) of the protective membranes covering the brain and spinal cord. A bacterial or viral infection of the fluid surrounding the brain and spinal cord usually causes the swelling. However, injuries, cancer, certain drugs, and other types of infections also can cause meningitis.
What does a stiff neck indicate?
A stiff neck often occurs when one of the muscles becomes strained or tense. Stiffness can also develop if one or more of the vertebrae is injured. A stiff neck may become painful when a person tries to move their neck or head. Usually, a stiff neck results from a minor injury or incident.
What is the medicine for stiff neck?
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), which work by reducing inflammation, are typically a first line of treatment for neck stiffness and soreness. Common types of NSAIDs are ibuprofen (e.g. Advil, Motrin) and naproxen (e.g. Naprosyn).
Cosa causa le macchie rosse sulla pancia?
Le macchie rosse sulla pancia, come quelle sulle gambe, viso e pelle, posso essere causate da vari fattori.. Cosa causa le macchie rosse sulla pancia? L’ acne non risulta particolarmente comune sulla pelle del ventre visto che questa produce poco olio. Inoltre non contiene tante ghiandole sebacee come il viso e la parte superiore del busto.
Quali sono le macchie rosse sulla pelle del corpo?
Le macchie rosse sulla pelle del corpo possono derivare, invece, da malattie che alterano la capacità coagulativa del sangue come l’amiloidosi, l’emofilia, il lupus eritematoso e la leucemia. In qualche caso, le petecchie dipendono da una carenza di vitamina K. Normalmente, le petecchie tendono a riassorbirsi da sole entro pochi giorni.
Cosa possono causare le macchie rosse sull’addome?
Altri motivi che possono causare macchie rosse sull’addome. 1. Il Lichen planus. Il lichen planus è una condizione che causa infiammazione della pelle e delle membrane mucose. Sulla pelle, compare come un gruppo di protuberanze pruriginose, piatte e violacee. È più comune su polsi e caviglie ma può apparire ovunque.