What is S1 and S2 in Indonesia?

What is S1 and S2 in Indonesia?

School leaving and higher education credentials: Sekolah Menengah Atas. Diploma. Sarjana (S1) Magister (S2)

How do I register with JIS?

Five Steps to JIS Admission

  1. Step 1: Contact JIS Admissions.
  3. Step 3: Submit Required Documents.
  4. Step 4: Complete Assessments.
  5. Step 5: Application Review.
  6. Required Documents.

What is S2 in Indonesia?

University second stage. 2. Magister (Strata Dua) (S2) Tertiary. University third stage.

How much is JIS school fee?

Jerudong International School

School type Co-educational Day & Boarding
Boarding fees per annum B$23,688 – B$29,500
Average Class Size Years 7-9: 20; Years 10-13: 20 or less
Teacher/Pupil ratio 1:20 (maximum), IBDP classes are typically 1:15 or less
Authorised IB Programmes IBDP

What does SMP mean in Indonesia?

Sekolah Menengah Pertama
In Indonesia, primary schools or SD (Indonesian: Sekolah Dasar – “Elementary School”) are from 1st to 6th grade, while high schools (secondary school) generally comprises junior secondary school (7th-9th grade) or SMP (Indonesian: Sekolah Menengah Pertama – “First Middle-grade School”) and senior secondary school (10- …

What is 11th grade in Indonesia?

Children ages 6–12 attend primary school, called Sekolah Dasar (SD). As of 2014, most elementary schools are government-operated public schools, accounting for 90.29% of all elementary schools in Indonesia….School grades.

Level/Grade Typical age
9th Grade 14-15
High School
10th Grade 15–16
11th Grade 16–17

Which is better ISB or JIS?

International School Standards Standards at JIS and ISB are high but both will supply additional coaching if required. Although both schools will take SEN children, ISB has a more inclusive approach and the trained staff to provide more comprehensive support.

How can I get scholarship for ISB?

Scholarship 1 ISB and Corporate donors’ together award up to 40 scholarships of INR 5 Lakhs each to deserving candidates whose family income is not more than INR 12 Lakhs (including applicant’s pre-ISB income). Candidates have to submit an essay and proof of income to be eligible for the need-based waiver.

What does S1 mean in Indonesia?

Sarjana 1 (S1) Sarjana – Equivalent to a bachelor’s degree. Sarjana 2 (S2) Sarjana – Equivalent to a master’s degree. Sarjana 3 (S3) Doktor – Equivalent to a doctoral degree.

What is SMA in Indonesia education?

Sekolah Menengah Atas

How much do teachers earn in Brunei?

$2,500 – $4,600 per month
The average salary for teaching in Brunei is $2,500 – $4,600 per month.

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