What is oral transmucosal fentanyl?
Oral transmucosal fentanyl is a medication used in the management and treatment of breakthrough pain. It is in the class of short-acting synthetic opioids.
What is transmucosal fentanyl citrate?
Oral transmucosal fentanyl citrate (OTFC; brand name Actiq, Cephalon, UT) is a new opioid formulation that incorporates fentanyl into a lozenge and allows drug delivery through the buccal mucosa.
How do you take transmucosal fentanyl?
Move oral transmucosal fentanyl citrate around in your mouth, especially along your cheeks. Twirl the handle often. Finish the oral transmucosal fentanyl cit rate unit completely in 15 minutes to get the most relief.
Can you take fentanyl pills orally?
The fentanyl tablet is one way this drug can be given orally, although it can be dangerous and it’s not intended for short-term pain, which is why fentanyl is not given orally in tablet form in many cases.
What does oral transmucosal mean?
Medical Definition of transmucosal : relating to, being, or supplying a medication that enters through or across a mucous membrane (as of the mouth) transmucosal fentanyl Noven Pharmaceuticals develops transdermal and transmucosal drug delivery systems and technologies. —
What is fentanyl not compatible with?
Fentanyl is incompatible with thiopentone sodium and methohexitone sodium. 1. Known hypersensitivity or intolerance to fentanyl, other opioid analgesics, or to any of the excipients.
How do you take fentanyl citrate?
How to Take Fentanyl Citrate. Fentanyl citrate delivers pain relief using a lozenge that is attached to a handle and dissolves as patients move it along the inside of their cheeks. The fentanyl citrate unit should be sucked, not chewed. The drug should be consumed over a 15 minute period.
What does transmucosal mean?
How long does oral transmucosal fentanyl take to work?
OTFC can produce a rapid onset of analgesia, even during unit consumption (fentanyl begins to cross the blood-brain barrier in as little as 3-5 minutes), with peak effect at 20-40 minutes after the start of administration. Total duration of activity is 2 to 3 hours.
How do you use fentanyl lozenges?
Use fentanyl lozenges as directed by your doctor. Just before using, open the package with scissors. Remove the lozenge and place the medication end in your mouth between your cheeks and gums. Actively suck on the medication.
Can you put fentanyl on your tongue?
Fentanyl comes as a solution (liquid) to spray sublingually (under the tongue). It is used as needed to treat breakthrough pain but not more often than directed by your doctor. Follow the directions on your prescription label carefully, and ask your doctor or pharmacist to explain any part you do not understand.
What is the normal dosage of fentanyl?
The average daily dosage of fentanyl taken by patients included in this model was 1.224 mg (with average prescribed therapeutic administration of 59 µg/h) and their median and average urine fentanyl concentrations were 37 and 88 ng/mL, respectively.
What are the side effects of snorting fentanyl?
When using the drug as prescribed, you are bound to experience some side effects as well, but the risk rises when abusing it. If you snort fentanyl, you’ll likely experience the following: Sweating Weakness Sleepiness Diarrhea Vomiting Nausea Headache Decreased appetite or weight loss Dry mouth Impaired vision Trouble sleeping Chest or back pain
What is TIRF medication?
Talk with your TIRF REMS Certified doctor. Receive counseling from your doctor on the safe use of TIRF medicines using the Patient Counseling Guide and the appropriate Medication Guide.
Can fentanyl citrate injection be taken orally?
Fentanyl is extensively metabolized through the liver when taken orally and as a consequence of this, fentanyl is not available in an oral formulation, although buccal (beneath the cheek) and sublingual (under the tongue) formulations exist. Buccal and sublingual formulations bypass the liver and enter straight into the bloodstream.