What is Exogenic and Endogenic?

What is Exogenic and Endogenic?

The forces which derive their strength from the earth’s exterior or originate within the earth’s atmosphere are called exogenic forces or external forces. While the endogenic forces, also called internal forces, are used to describe pressure that originates inside the earth.

What is an Exogenic?

a. Pertaining to a rock composed of fragments of older rocks and owing its origin chiefly to agents acting from without. A.G.I. b. Applied to processes originating at or near the surface of the earth, such as weathering and denudation, and to rocks, ore deposits and land forms which owe their origin to such processes.

What are the 4 Exogenic processes?

Weathering, mass wasting, erosion, and deposition are the main exogenic processes.

What are the 3 types of exogenic processes?

Different types of exogenic processes are weathering, mass wasting/movements, erosion and transportation.

What is Exogenic movement?

Exogenic processes are a direct result of the sun’s heat. Sun’s energy dictates the weather patterns like winds, precipitation, etc. Sun’s heat along with weather patterns are responsible for stress-induced in earth materials giving rise to exogenic movements (weathering and erosion).

What is Exogenic process in geography?

Exogenic Processes [Geography Notes For UPSC] The processes that take place at or near the Earth’s surface are called Exogenic Processes. These processes are a part of denudation process which involves wearing away of Earth’s surface.

What is another word for exogenous?

What is another word for exogenous?

external extrinsic
alien estranged
exogenetic exotic
foreign remote
strange unfamiliar

What is the importance of Exogenic processes?

Exogenic processes play an important role in the formation of relief and create a variety of landscapes. Examples: Fertile flood plains, levees and deltas are formed by running waters of rivers. Sea caves, arches stacks and cliffs are formed by the work of sea waves.

What are the 5 geomorphic processes?

Weathering (Physical, Chemical, Biological), mass wasting, erosion/degradation, transportation, and deposition comes under exogenic geomorphic processes. All the exogenic geomorphic processes are incorporated under a general term called denudation which implies strip off or uncovers.

What are the 4 main endogenic processes?

The most familiar endogenic processes involve vulcanism, metamorphism , earthquakes , crustal warping , folding and faulting .

What is denudation process?

Denudation is the name for the processes of erosion, leaching, stripping, and reducing the mainland due to removal of material from higher to lower areas like valleys, river valleys, lakes and seas with a permanent filling of low lands.

What is the importance of Exogenic process?

What are exogenic processes in geography?

Exogenic Processes or Denudation. The processes which occur on earth’s surface due to the influence of exogenic forces are called as exogenic processes or exogenic geomorphic processes. Weathering, mass wasting, erosion, and deposition are the main exogenic processes.

What are exogenic and endogenic forces?

The exogenic forces derive their energy from the atmosphere determined by the ultimate energy from the sun and also the gradient created by tectonic factors. We have already discussed in previous articles that slopes on the earth surface are mainly created by tectonic factors or earth movements due to endogenic forces.

What is an endogenic system?

An endogenic system is a system that did not form from trauma. It is an umbrella for various different smaller labels that may more precisely explain one’s origins.

What are exogenic land wearing forces?

Exogenic forces cause land to wear down as a result of their action, therefore they are referred to as land wearing forces. Exogenic processes are processes that occur on the earth’s surface as a result of exogenic pressures.

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