What is Cyprus in Parachute?

What is Cyprus in Parachute?

CYPRES is an acronym for Cybernetic Parachute Release System. It refers to a specific make and model of an automatic activation device (AAD), a device that automatically activates a parachute (typically as a reserve system for a skydiver) under certain circumstances.

How long does a Cypres AAD last?

15.5 years
CYPRES 2 units manufactured January 2017 and later, have a lifetime of 15.5 years (previous lifetime was 12.5 years) with an unlimited manufacturer guarantee for repairs, if needed. The units are water resistant for a duration of 24 hours at a maximum of 1.5 meters deep.

How long does an AAD last?

All Vigil AAD units have a lifetime of 20 years. The multi-mode Cuatro unit can be switched from Pro to Student to Tandem to Xtreme by the user. The first generation Xtreme single-mode units cannot be changed. The Vigil battery is designed to last 10 years or 1500 jumps.

How much is skydiving in Cyprus?

the cost is 250 Euros per person, British military personnel and dependents are charged 200 Euros per person, filming costs remain the same.

How does the AAD work?

The automated activation device is an impressive feat of engineering that calculates the jumper’s altitude and rate of descent by measuring changes in barometric pressure. Each AAD is programmed to activate if the skydiver is falling at a certain speed and at a certain altitude.

How much does an AAD cost?

Cost of New and Used Skydiving Equipment

Parachute Container $2500-$5500 $1200-$3000
Reserve Parachute $1450-$1800 $800-$1250
Main Parachute $2200-$2500 $900-$1900
AAD $1000-$1200 $650-$850

What altitude does AAD activate?

750 feet above
The usual activation altitude is 750 feet above ground level.

How much money is a parachute?

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