What is an americanophile?

What is an americanophile?

: a person who greatly admires or favors America or things from American culture And, just as he lusts for European civility and cultural awareness, the journalist Jeanne, an Americanophile who always dreamed of watching Pacific sunsets, is, in turn, attracted by U.S.-style directness and verve.—

What is the American equivalent of Anglophile?

The word is also listen in the Oxford Dictionary Online. Attribution:”Americanophile.” Merriam-Webster.

How do you use Anglophile in a sentence?

an admirer of England and things English.

  1. An Anglophile likes England or Britain.
  2. The Count’s sister, she is anglophile.
  3. He became a fanatical Anglophile.
  4. He was an anglophile and an enthusiast of the works of Jeremy Bentham.

What do you call someone who loves everything British?

If you’re American but prefer British spellings of words, like colour and fibre, or have all the British monarchs memorized, or insist on ordering things like “bubble and squeak” when you go to restaurants, you’re an Anglophile, a person who loves all things English or British.

What is a Hispanophile?

Definition of hispanophile : one partial to Spain or especially fond of Spanish culture or civilization.

What is a lover of Spain called?

A lover or admirer of Spain is called a Hispanophile.

What do you call someone who doesn’t like Americans?

Anti-Americanism (also called anti-American sentiment) is prejudice, fear or hatred of the United States, its government, its foreign policy, or Americans in general.

What do you call someone who loves Paris?

A Francophile is a person who loves France, French things, and French people. If you start wearing a beret and carrying a baguette around with you, your friends will assume you’re a Francophile.

What is the opposite of an Anglophile?

The word is derived from the Latin word Anglii and Ancient Greek word φίλος philos, meaning “friend”. Its antonym is Anglophobe.

What is a sentence with the word audiophile?

He is a history buff, an audiophile and enjoys listening to music. The album particularly resonated with audiophile fans across the world. Because of the inconvenience of wearing headphones, true binaural recordings have remained laboratory and audiophile curiosities.

What is it called when you love the royal family?

Anglophilia may also be characterized by fondness for the British monarchy and system of government (e.g. the Westminster system of parliament), and other institutions (e.g. Royal Mail), as well as nostalgia for the former British Empire and the English class system.

What is the meaning of Anglophiles?

Define Anglophiles. Anglophiles synonyms, Anglophiles pronunciation, Anglophiles translation, English dictionary definition of Anglophiles. also An·glo·phil n. One who admires England, its people, and its culture. An′glo·phile , An′glo·phil′ic adj.

What is ethics?

What is Ethics? – Markkula Center for Applied Ethics What is Ethics? What is Ethics? Ethics is based on well-founded standards of right and wrong that prescribe what humans ought to do, usually in terms of rights, obligations, benefits to society, fairness, or specific virtues.

What is applied ethics?

– Markkula Center for Applied Ethics What is Ethics? What is Ethics? Ethics is based on well-founded standards of right and wrong that prescribe what humans ought to do, usually in terms of rights, obligations, benefits to society, fairness, or specific virtues.

What do Anglophiles like to watch?

Anglophiles may enjoy English actors, films, TV shows, radio shows, comedy, musicians, books, magazines, fashion designers, cars, traditions (e.g. British Christmas dinner) or subcultures.

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