What is a groin quizlet?

What is a groin quizlet?

What is the groin? the junction between anterior abdominal wall and the thigh.

What is the purpose of structures like groins breakwaters and seawalls quizlet?

Any form of artificial structure built to protect a coast or to prevent the movement of sand along a beach. Examples include groins, jetties, breakwaters, and seawalls.

What are groins and jetties?

Typically, jetties are concrete or rock structures built at inlets and channels in order to maintain channels for shipping and navigation. A groin is built perpendicular to the coast and works similar to the way a jetty works.

What is the function of a groin on a beach quizlet?

Groins are shore perpendicular structures, used to maintain updrift beaches or to restrict longshore sediment transport. By design, these structures are meant to capture sand transported by the longshore current; this depletes the sand supply to the beach area immediately down-drift of the structure.

What is the problem with groins?

The problem with groins is that they trap sand that is flowing to a neighboring beach. Thus, if a groin is growing the topographic beach updrift, it must be causing downdrift beach loss.

Why do jetties and groins cause downstream problems quizlet?

They are in a constant state of flux (erosion and deposition). Why do jetties and groins cause downstream problems? They rob locations downstream of sediment.

What are the groins?

The groin is the area in the body where the upper thighs meet the lowest part of the abdomen. Normally, the abdomen and groin are kept separate by a wall of muscle and tissue. The only openings in the wall are small tunnels called the inguinal and femoral canals.

What are groins made of?

Groins are much shorter structures built on straight stretches of beach away from inlets. Groins are intended to trap sand moving in longshore currents. They can be made of wood, stone, concrete, steel, or fabric bags filled with sand.

What is the groin area?

How are jetties and groins similar in how they manage beach erosion quizlet?

They both protect from erosion caused by waves and current. Groins tend to be smaller, shorter structures, whereas jetties can reach farther out into the ocean.

What are groins?

How do groins affect the environment?

The negative impact of groins on downdrift shorelines is well understood. When a groin works as intended, sand moving along the beach in the so-called downdrift direction is trapped on the updrift side of the groin, causing a sand deficit and increasing erosion rates on the downdrift side.

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