What does Yaya mean is Spanish?

What does Yaya mean is Spanish?

grandfather, the ~ Noun.

What does Ponzona mean in English?

feminine noun. (= tóxico) poison ⧫ venom. (= ideas) poison.

What does MJ mean in Spanish slang?

MJ. MJ Noun Plural: MJs. Translate “MJ” to Spanish: marijuana, maría, yerba, chocolate, juana, juanita, mafafa, monte, tabacón.

What is the English translation Baja?

low, short, (he/she) rolls down.

What do ya ya ya mean?

A woman employed by a family to look after a child or a sick or elderly person (often as a title or a familiar form of address)

What language is Yama Grandma?

The most commonly used Greek term for grandmother is yia-yia, sometimes rendered as ya-ya. These may also be spelled as separate words: yia yia and ya ya — or without the hyphen — yiayia and yaya. These are, of course, phonetic or Americanized spelling since the Greek language uses a different alphabet from English.

What Baha means?

splendor, glory
A male given name, an Arabic name meaning “splendor, glory.”

What does Spanish word Cabo mean?

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Cabo is Spanish, Portuguese and Galician for cape.

What does Jajaja mean in texting?

person is laughing in
quicklist: 2title: Jajajaja text: Although the h and j are close together on your keyboard (we know you’re looking), jajaja is definitely not a typo. It basically means the person is laughing in Spanish. BUT, don’t be mistaken and read it out loud as yayaya, make sure you have strong j’s. The best way to laugh.

What does Yaya mean in New Orleans?

Young Aspirations Young Artists, Inc.
YAYA (Young Aspirations Young Artists, Inc.) was founded in 1988 as a creative and entrepreneurial partnership between New Orleans artist Jana Napoli and art students from Rabouin High School (International High School of New Orleans).

How do you spell YiaYia?

The most commonly used Greek term for grandmother is yia-yia, sometimes rendered as ya-ya. These may also be spelled as separate words: yia yia and ya ya — or without the hyphen — yiayia and yaya. These are, of course, phonetic or Americanized spelling since the Greek language uses a different alphabet from English.

What do Aussies call their grandparents?

In Britain, Ireland, United States, Australia, New Zealand and, particularly prevalent in the Canadian province of Newfoundland and Labrador, Nan, Nana, Nanna, Nanny, Gran and Granny and other variations are often used for grandmother in both writing and speech.

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