What does AGMA stand for?

What does AGMA stand for?


Acronym Definition
AGMA American Gear Manufacturers Association
AGMA American Guild of Musical Artists
AGMA Association of Greater Manchester Authorities (UK)
AGMA Alliance for Gray Market and Counterfeit Abatement

What does AGM stand for medical?

Abbreviation for: absorbent gelling material. African green monkey. annual general meeting (Medspeak-UK)

What does HDC stand for medical?


Acronym Definition
HDC High-Dose Chemotherapy
HDC Hot Dog Cart
HDC Hastings District Council (New Zealand)
HDC Harborough District Council (UK)

When was AGMA founded?

American Gear Manufacturers Association

Type Non-profit Association
Founded 1916
Headquarters Alexandria, Virginia
Number of employees 11 employees
Website www.agma.org

What is annual general meeting?

An annual general meeting (AGM) is the yearly gathering of a company’s interested shareholders. At an annual general meeting (AGM), directors of the company present the company’s financial performance and shareholders vote on the issues at hand.

What is AGM in stock market?

An annual general meeting (AGM) is a yearly gathering between the shareholders of a company and its board of directors. Generally, this is the only time that the directors and shareholders will meet throughout the year, so it is a chance for the directors to present the company’s annual report.

What does HDC mean in college?

Overview. General Education Program.

What is HDC in geography?

HDC. Highly Developed Country. You just studied 57 terms!

Is AGMA still around?

AGMA maintains its principal office at 1430 Broadway in New York City, and has offices in Washington DC, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Seattle.

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