What DHB is New Plymouth?

What DHB is New Plymouth?

Taranaki DHB
Taranaki DHB is based in New Plymouth, and covers an area including Stratford and Hawera, and out to the eastern hill country. It has a population of 124,380 people (2020/21 projection).

How many beds does Taranaki Base Hospital have?

Profile & contact details

Premises name Taranaki Base Hospital
Address 118 Tukapa Street Westown New Plymouth 4310
Total beds 194
Service types Childrens health, Maternity, Surgical, Medical, Mental health

When was Taranaki Base Hospital built?

Stage One was completed and commissioned in August 2013. The Stage One Acute Services Building was officially opened in June 2014 by former Minister of Health, Tony Ryall….Project Maunga Stage One.

2010 Artist impressions and detailed designs completed
2014 Entrance link and building completed Official opening

What are Aucklands 3 DHBs?

DHB websites

  • Auckland District Health Board.
  • Bay of Plenty District Health Board.
  • Capital & Coast District Health Board.
  • Counties Manukau District Health Board.
  • Hawkes Bay District Health Board.
  • Hutt Valley District Health Board.
  • Lakes District Health Board.
  • Mid Central District Health Board.

What are the three Auckland DHB?

As an organisation, Auckland DHB provides hospital and community services from multiple sites including Auckland City Hospital, Greenlane Clinical Centre and the Buchanan Rehabilitation Centre.

What are the visiting hours at Taranaki Base hospital?

Please visit during normal hours (2pm-8pm for wards, for a full list click here) Record your visit, scan QR codes throughout the hospital if moving around. Wear a face covering at all times. Keep 2 metre distancing.

Is HDU critical care?

Critical care: Intensive care unit (ICU) and high dependency unit (HDU) Intensive care units (ICU) and high dependency units (HDU) are specialist wards providing intensive care (treatment and monitoring) for people who are in a critically ill or unstable condition.

What area is Waitemata DHB?

Waitemata District Health Board serves the areas of the North Shore, Waitakere, and Rodney extending to Wellsford in the north and as far south as the Auckland Harbour Bridge, incorporating Whangaparaoa in the east and the west coast beaches of Muriwai, Piha and Karekare in the west.

How do I contact DHB?

Auckland DHB

Postal address Private Bag 92189 Auckland Mail Centre Auckland 1142
Street address Level 1, Building 37 Auckland City Hospital 2 Park Road Grafton, Auckland 1023
Phone (09) 367 0000
Email [email protected]
Website www.adhb.health.nz

What area is Counties Manukau?

Counties Manukau DHB is based in Manukau, and covers Manukau City, and Franklin and Papakura Districts. It has a population of 578,650 people (2020/21 projection).

What are the DHB areas in NZ?


  • Northland.
  • Waitemata.
  • Auckland.
  • Counties Manukau.
  • Waikato.
  • Lakes.
  • Bay of Plenty.
  • Tairawhiti.

Can you visit hospital in Level 2?

Most hospital and specialist appointments are still happening during Level 2, but there may be some changes and different rules to protect everyone from COVID-19. The hospital staff will contact you and tell you: If you need to come to the hospital for your appointment.

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