What are the examples of EE sound?

What are the examples of EE sound?

The letter group ee creates a long “e” sound, as in words, such as freeze, see, tree, and free. Digraph is the name for when two letters combine to form a specific sound, or phoneme. The long “e” sound can also be made by other digraphs, for example ea (seal), ey (lovely), and ie (believe).

What are the Phase 3 tricky words?

What are the Phase 3 Tricky Words? Phase 3 Tricky Words include we, be, me, he, she, my, they, was, her & all.

What phase phonics is EE?

21 – Phase 3 Phonics – LO-To learn the ‘ee’ sound – St.

How many EE words are there?

A list of words ending with ee. There are 494 words ending with ee, listed below sorted by word length.

How do you write ee audio?

Eight Ways To Spell Long E

  1. e – be.
  2. e_e – eve.
  3. ee – meet.
  4. ea – beach.
  5. ei – protein.
  6. ie – piece.
  7. ey – key.
  8. y – candy.

Is EE a long vowel sound?

They are categorized into one of the five common ways to spell the long e sound as discussed above – Vowel Teams (2), Irregular Vowel Team, Open Syllable Rule and Y as a Vowel….Long E Words.

Long E Words Category Word Family / Sound
beet Vowel Team – EE -eet
being Open Syllable Rule medial sound
belief Irregular Vowel Team – IE -ief

What are EE words called?

Words that contain ee at the start, middle, or end are known as ee words. The letter group ee creates a long “e” sound, as in words, such as freeze, see, tree, and free. Digraph is the name for when two letters combine to form a specific sound, or phoneme.

What is EE rule?

There is not a rule dictating when to use ee, ea or e at the end of a syllable, nor e with a silent e to spell the long /ē/ sound. At the end of a syllable within a base word, e is most common (as in he and cedar), but ee and ea are still permitted (agree, tea), so this is not an absolute rule.

What ends with a EE?

8-letter words that end in ee

  • employee.
  • disagree.
  • licensee.
  • attendee.
  • pedigree.
  • absentee.
  • carefree.
  • assignee.

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