What are the characteristics of Myxomycota?
Features of Myxomycota: The Myxomycota or slime molds, are fungus-like organisms. They are characterised by the absence of cell wall from their amoeboid,’ animal-like vegetative or assimilatory phase.
What does Myxomycota look like?
Myxomycota: True Slime Molds. The Myxomycota are the true slime molds, also known as the plasmodial slime molds, and are considered members of the kingdom Protista. They exist in nature as a plasmodium—a blob of protoplasm without cell walls and only a cell membrane to keep everything in (Fig. 13).
What are the characteristics of slime mold?
Slime molds have characteristics of both molds and protozoa. Under certain conditions, the slime mold exists as masses of cytoplasm, similar to amoebae. It moves over rotting logs or leaves and feeds by phagocytosis.
What organisms are in the Myxomycota phylum?
Myxomycota. Members of this division are commonly referred to as slime molds. Although presently classified as Protozoans, in the Kingdom Protista, slime molds were once thought to be fungi (=kingdom Mycetae) because they produce spores that are borne in sporangia, a characteristic common to some taxa of fungi.
How many division classes are in Myxomycota?
ADVERTISEMENTS: Olive (1975) classified the group under the Kingdom Protista and divided them into seven classes: Protosteliomycetes, Ceratomyxo- mycetes, Dictyosteliomycetes, Acrasiomycetes, Myxomycetes, Plasmodiophoromycetes and Labrinthulomycetes.
Which group is divided into Division namely Myxomycota and Eumycota?
Based on the presence or absence of Plasmodium and pseudoplasmodium; the kingdom Mycota is further divided into two divisions: Myxomycota i.e., slime molds and Eumycota or true fungi. Family, aceae.
How many species are in Myxomycota?
They exhibit characteristics of both protozoans (one-celled microorganisms) and fungi. Distributed worldwide, they usually occur in decaying plant material. About 500 species have been described. The vegetative (active, growing, feeding) phase consists of a multinucleate amoeboid mass or sheet (plasmodium).
What is plasmodium in slime moulds?
plasmodium, in fungi (kingdom Fungi), a mobile multinucleate mass of cytoplasm without a firm cell wall. A plasmodium is characteristic of the vegetative phase of true slime molds (Myxomycetes) and such allied genera as Plasmodiophora and Spongospora.
What are the characteristics of slime moulds Class 11?
(1) They do not have chlorophyll. (2) They are surrounded by the plasma membrane only (somatic parts are without cell walls). (3) At one stage of the life cycle they have amoeboid structure. (4) The slime moulds live usually amongst decaying vegetation.
What kingdom is Myxomycota?
ProtozoaMycetozoa / Kingdom
What is Myxomycota and Eumycota?
The key difference between Myxomycota and eumycota is that Myxomycota consists of fungi-like slime molds which lack cell walls in the vegetative state while eumycota consists of true fungi which are filamentous eukaryotic heterotrophic microorganisms consisting rigid cell walls.