Is Teena Marie still alive?

Is Teena Marie still alive?

December 26, 2010Teena Marie / Date of death

How old is Teena Marie?

54 years (1956–2010)Teena Marie / Age at death

What is the Teena Marie Law?

In the early ’80s she left Motown during a famous dispute that resulted in the Brockert Initiative (or Teena Marie law), an artists’-rights act aimed at keeping labels from holding musicians and their work hostage.

Who were Teena Marie parents?

Thomas Leslie Brockert
Mary Anne Brockert
Teena Marie/Parents

Is Tina Marie Black?

Teena Marie proved that quality music transcends all racial barriers the second she belted the ’70’s scorcher duet “Fire and Desire” with soul man Rick James. Her robust vocals belied her age and race, making her one of R&B’s beloved chanteuses.

Who is Alia Rose’s father?

Peter ButcherAlia Rose / Father

Was Teena Marie Black or white?

Overall my race hasn’t been a problem. I’m a Black artist with White skin. At the end of the day you have to sing what’s in your own soul. Teena Marie died on Sunday, and on every Martin Luther there was a collective wail.

What nationality was Tina Marie?

AmericanTeena Marie / Nationality

One who succeeded was the R&B, soul and funk artist Teena Marie, who has died unexpectedly aged 54. She was born Mary Brockert in Santa Monica, California, one of six children in a music-loving family with Portuguese, Italian, Irish and Native American roots.

Where is Tina Marie buried?

Teena Marie

Original Name Mary Christine Brockert
Birth 5 Mar 1956 Santa Monica, Los Angeles County, California, USA
Death 26 Dec 2010 (aged 54) Pasadena, Los Angeles County, California, USA
Burial Cremated, Ashes given to family or friend
Memorial ID 63339438 · View Source

What is Teena Marie’s birth name?

Mary Christine BrockertTeena Marie / Full name

Where is James Brown’s grave?

Beech Island, South
Brown was eventually buried in Beech Island, South Carolina, at the home of one of his daughters. The family wanted to turn the home into a shrine for Brown similar to Elvis Presley’s Graceland, but that idea never got off the ground.

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