Is PS3 or Xbox better?
Although the PS3 is technically more powerful than the Xbox 360, in most cases, the 360 received superior versions of multiplatform games. The 360 was simply easier to program for, as the PS3’s complex system architecture was a nightmare for developers.
Which Xbox is equivalent to PS3?
Xbox 360
Playstation 3 comes with a built-in Blu-Ray player that provides HD output with high-quality sound. Xbox 360 is known for its community experience and offers a friendlier environment for Windows, as it is tightly integrated with other Microsoft applications.
Which sold more Xbox or PS3?
The PS3 has sold 87.4 million units and the Xbox 360 has sold 84 million units. What makes this accomplishment for Nintendo more impressive is that the console debuted in 2017, reaching this figure in just under five years. By comparison, the PS3 and Xbox 360 figures come from an 11 year period.
Is Playstation still better than Xbox?
If getting the best possible crispness for most games is a priority, PS4 comes out on top. However, when it comes to the premium versions of both consoles, Xbox has an edge. The $499 Xbox One X plays many titles in native 4K, and has the most powerful overall specs of any console out there.
Why did Xbox 360 Beat PS3?
The 360 dominated the first half due to Sony’s mistakes and great titles but after the PS3 slim was released it seemed like momentum shifted to Sony. Also to note that the 360 towards the end started to become more focused on its media capabilities. What are your opinions?
Which gaming console is best?
Playstation 5. The best gaming console.
Why did PS3 outsell Xbox 360?
Purely in terms of sales, the winner of this particular console war was the Wii. Nintendo’s console sold nearly 102 million units worldwide, despite being seen by many as a bit of a fad. The PS3 eventually outsold the Xbox 360 to claim second place, but the result was a bit too close for comfort.
Why are people so obsessed with the PS3 vs Xbox 360 numbers?
People have been obsessed with racking up the numbers of the two brands against one another for about two decades or so now. This reached its peak in the seventh generation when some joked that the Xbox 360’s vastly superior number compared to the PS3 made it the winner.
Why is ME3 on PS3 so bad compared to 360?
It has multiple instances of slowdown that the 360 version does not have, it has audio sync issues in a few cutscenes, and a lot of graphical glitches. It plays identically to the 360 version, but the quality of the experience is lower. The same can be said for the PS3 version of ME3.
What are the differences between Xbox 360&PS3 graphics cards?
The Xbox 360 uses ATI Xenos for its graphics processing, which has 10 MG of eDRAM. The PS3 has 256 mb of XDR DRAM main memory and 256 mb of GDDR3 video memory. The Xbox360 has 512 mb of memory. Accessories for the PS3 include wireless controllers, the Playstation Eye camera, headsets and a motion controller named Playstation Move.
Should I buy an Xbox 360 or PS3 for Mass Effect?
I would have no problem buying an Xbox 360 console just to play those games, but from your post, it seems like the Mass Effect series has technical issues no matter which system you decide to use to play the series. nanofazz97 posted… ReportMeTyree posted… doesn’t matter, if you’re an xbl gold member. I think the cerberus pack is free on ps3.