How would you explain the word Ogiso?

How would you explain the word Ogiso?

The kingdom was called Igodomigodo. It was ruled by a series of kings, known as Ogisos, which means ‘rulers of the sky’.

What is Ogiso dynasty?

According to Edo oral history, Igodomigodo was the name given to the kingdom by Igodo, the first ogiso (King), who founded the first dynasty of what would later be known as the Benin Empire (which existed from around 1180 until 1897 in the area of the present-day Federal Republic of Nigeria (and not in the area of the …

What is the meaning of Igodomigodo?

Igodomigodo was the name of the kingdom of Benin given by Ogiso Igodo, the first Ogiso. IGODOMIGODO simply means ‘nation made nation, king made kings, great men made nations, great leaders build nations, wisdom made wise men or great men made great nation’ as the case may be.

What does OBA mean in Benin society?

The first oba, or king, in Benin was Eweka. He was the son of the prince from Ife.

Who was the last Ogiso?

Who Are The Edos? Owodo was the last Ogiso of the Ohuede dynasty, the last Ogiso of Igodomigodo and the last Ogiso of Evhuoto. His rule caused a lot of problems and confusion that led to two generation (50 years) of interregnum. He had inherited a kingdom that was still recovering from the effects of the great famine.

How many Ogisos are there?

There were 31 recorded Ogisos. The Ogiso was usually assisted by seven nobles “Uzama.” During their reign Edo lands were known as Igodomigodo.

Where did Ogiso come from?

Note that in Ife the first Ogiso is regarded as a son of Oduduwa, the mythical progenitor of the Yoruba, whose children left their native city of Ife for the founding of various Upper Guinean kingdoms.

What is the oldest kingdom in Nigeria?

Kingdom of Nri The Nri Kingdom
Kingdom of Nri The Nri Kingdom in the Awka area was founded in about 900 AD in north central Igboland, and is considered the oldest kingdom in Nigeria.

What is Oba of Benin called?

Ewuare II Oba
He is the 40th Oba, a title created for the Head of State (Emperor) of the Benin Empire at some time between 1180 and 1300….

Ewuare II
Oba of Benin
Reign 2016–present
Predecessor Erediauwa
Born 20 October 1953

Who is Oba Orisha?

She is traditionally identified as the senior wife of Shango (the third king of the Oyo Empire and an Orisha). Oba was tricked by Oya or Oshun into cutting off her ear and trying to feed it to Shango….Ọba (orisha)

Other names Ọbá, Ọbà
Venerated in Yoruba religion, Umbanda, Candomble, Santeria, Haitian Vodou, Folk Catholicism

Who is the current king of Benin?

Ewuare II
He is the 40th Oba, a title created for the Head of State (Emperor) of the Benin Empire at some time between 1180 and 1300….

Ewuare II
Reign 2016–present
Predecessor Erediauwa
Born 20 October 1953
Spouses 5

Why did the Ogiso dynasty rule ended?

In carrying out the royal order that he be killed, the palace messengers had mercy and set the prince free at Ughoton near Benin. When his father the Ogiso died, the Ogiso dynasty officially ended. The people and royal kingmakers preferred their late king’s son as the next to rule.

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