How old is Ronaldo r9?

How old is Ronaldo r9?

45 years (September 22, 1976)Ronaldo / Age

How many goals has Ronaldo Nazario scored in his career?

Stats by club

Real Madrid 177 103
Inter Milan 99 59
PSV Eindhoven 57 54
FC Barcelona 49 47

Does Ronaldo have Europa?

This statistic shows the all-time number of trophies won by soccer player, Cristiano Ronaldo, by competition….Number of trophies won by Cristiano Ronaldo as of 2022, by competition.

Characteristic Number of titles
Euro participant 4
Uefa Supercup winner 3
UEFA Best Player in Europe 3
English Champion 3

How good was Ronaldo Nazario?

R9 achieved a lot in his career and is no doubt an all-time great but with the potential and ability he possessed, he could have retired as the greatest. His pre-injury years were ridiculously good, at 21 years old he was already the best player in the world and had broken the world transfer record twice.

How many times did Ronaldo go round the keeper?

One of his greatest talents was the way he could glide past goalkeepers and that’s shown in this ridiculous stat. 88 of his 414 goals involved rounding the goalkeeper and tapping into an empty net, which is a staggering 21%. Ronaldo dribbled past the goalkeeper 88 times to score a goal during his career.

How many Golden Balls does Ronaldo have?

Ballon d’Or
First awarded 1956
Current holder Lionel Messi (7th award)
Most awards Lionel Messi (7 awards)
Most nominations Cristiano Ronaldo (17 nominations)

Is Pele married?

Marcia Aokim. 2016
Assíria Nascimentom. 1994–2008Rosemeri dos Reis Cholbim. 1966–1978

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