How many coalition forces are in Afghanistan?

How many coalition forces are in Afghanistan?

International Security Assistance Force

Official logo of the ISAF
Dates of operation 20 December 2001 – 28 December 2014
Allegiance NATO
Size 130,000 (At peak of deployment in 2012)
Allies Afghanistan

What countries were in the coalition in Afghanistan?

Among the contributing nations are Australia, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, Sweden, Turkey, the UK, and the US. The US also heads the TAAC-East in the Laghman province and the TAAC-South in Kandahar province. Meanwhile, Italy’s Brig. Gen.

How many NATO soldiers are there in Afghanistan?

As of August 2020, RSM had around 10,000 personnel from 36 NATO Allies and partner countries, operating in one hub (Kabul/Bagram) and four spokes (Mazar-e Sharif in the north, Herat in the west, Kandahar in the south, and Laghman in the east).

What forces are in Afghanistan?

Military of Afghanistan

  • Islamic Emirate Air Force.
  • Islamic Emirate Army.
  • Special forces.

How many coalition troops died in Afghanistan?

3,502 coalition deaths
As of 18 May 2020, there have been 3,502 coalition deaths in Afghanistan as part of ongoing coalition operations (Operation Enduring Freedom and ISAF) since the invasion in 2001.

What does ISAF patch mean?

International Security Assistance Force
ISAF (International Security Assistance Force) MultiCam (OCP) Patch with Green Border.

Is ISAF Special Forces?

The 2nd TASK FORCE of Special Forces took over its operational task from its predecessors on 12 December 2011. It is the seventh deployment of soldiers from the 601st Special Forces Group, based in Prostejov, in Afghanistan.

Is NATO a coalition?

NATO constitutes a system of collective security, whereby its independent member states agree to mutual defense in response to an attack by any external party….NATO.

Organisation du traité de l’Atlantique nord
Type Military alliance
Headquarters Brussels, Belgium
Membership show 30 states

Does Afghanistan have Special Forces?

Afghan special-operations forces are highly regarded in a country with a long history of fearsome fighters. Afghans drove the Soviets out of the country after 10 years of fighting in the 1980s, and the Taliban has fought against the US and Coalition forces for 20 years, albeit with varying levels of intensity.

How were most coalition forces killed in the Gulf war?

While the death toll among Coalition forces engaging enemy combatants was very low, a substantial number of deaths were caused by accidental attacks from other allied units. Of the 147 American troops who died in battle, 24 percent, a total of 35 service personnel, were killed by friendly fire.


ISAF was one of the largest coalitions in history and is NATO’s most challenging mission to date. At its height, the force was more than 130,000 strong, with troops from 51 NATO and partner nations.

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