How do you say hello in Russian privet?
The most common way to informally say hello in Russian amongst friends and family or colleagues of similar age and status is Привет (Privet), meaning “hello” or “hi.” Among Russian men, you often hear the slightly more rough-sounding Здорово (Zdorovo), generally followed by a firm handshake.
What is a Russian term of endearment?
Russian words that used with partners, children and other loved ones. Words marked with (m) are said to males, and words marked with (f) are said to females. милый (m) милая (f) = honey, darling, sweetie. дорогой (m) дорогая (f) = sweetheart, darling, dear, dearest. любимый (m) любимая (f) = beloved, darling, dear.
How do you greet in Russian?
1. How to say “hello” in Russian
- Hello in Russian – Здравствуйте (Zdravstvuyte)
- Hi in Russian – Привет (Privyet)
- Goodbye in Russian – До свидания (Do svidaniya)
- Have a good day in Russian – Ну тогда до свидания (Nu togda do svidaniya)
What is a Russian term of endearment for child?
Pronunciation: maLYSH/maLYSHka/malySHOnuk. Translation: baby/baby girl/little baby. Meaning: baby/baby boy/baby girl. Малыш can be used both for males and females (малышка is the female term of the word).
How do you call a Russian girlfriend?
Russian pet names for your girlfriend
- Малы́шка – Malishka. Baby girl.
- Солнышко – Solnishko. Little sun.
- Ки́са – Kisa (кошечка – koshechka) Cat (kitty)
- Пусик – Pusik. Cat.
- Красо́тка – Krasotka. Gorgeous.
- Ангел – Angel. Angel.
- Пчелка – Pchelka. Little bee.
- Золотце – Zolotse. Darling.
What is Dobroye UTRO?
Dobroye utro (dohb-rah-ee oo-truh) translates to “good morning” in Russian, and as you might expect, there are variations on this greeting depending on the time of day. Dobroye dyen (Добрый день) is “good afternoon” and after darkness falls, you can start saying dobriy vyecher (Добрый вечер) or “good evening.”