How do you conjugate the verb salir?

How do you conjugate the verb salir?

Salir is a Spanish irregular verb meaning to leave, to go out. Salir appears on the 100 Most Used Spanish Verbs Poster as the 16th most used irregular verb. For the preterite tense conjugation, go to Salir Preterite Tense Conjugation….Salir Conjugation: Present Tense.

yo salgo
él/ella sale
ns. salimos
vs. salís

What is the verb for pensar?

to think
Pensar is a Spanish irregular verb meaning to think.

What are the forms of pensar?

yo. pensaré

  • tú pensarás.
  • él/ella/Ud. pensará
  • nosotros. pensaremos.
  • vosotros. pensaréis.
  • ellos/ellas/Uds. pensarán.
  • How do you conjugate salir in present tense?

    Using the chart below you can learn how to conjugate the Spanish verb salir in Present tense….Mode: Indicative.

    Personal Pronoun Conjugation
    Yo salgo
    Tu sales
    El/Ella sale
    Nosotros salimos

    How do you use the verb pensar?

    The verb pensar means to think. It is irregular. When followed by an infinitive, pensar is used to indicate plans or intentions. Pienso viajar a Venezuela.

    What is pensar in ustedes form?

    We can use the verb pensar whenever we want to talk about what we think, for example, Ellos piensan que es una buena idea. (They think it is a good idea.) Pensar en means ‘to think about….Lesson Summary.

    Subject Pronoun Present Tense Present Progressive Tense
    ellos, ellas, ustedes piensan están pensando

    How do you conjugate salir in the subjunctive?

    The red dot () above denotes an irregular conjugation….Salir in the Subjunctive Present.

    Pronoun Spanish English
    Yo salga I leave
    salgas you leave
    Ella / Él / Usted salga s/he leave, you (formal) leave
    Nosotras / Nosotros salgamos we leave

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