How can you make a bulleted list UL?

How can you make a bulleted list UL?


    tag defines an unordered (bulleted) list. Use the

      tag together with the

    • tag to create unordered lists

What is the different bullet type for UL tag?

There can be 4 types of bulleted list: disc. circle. square….HTML Unordered List | HTML Bulleted List.

Type Description
Type “disc” This is the default style. In this style, the list items are marked with bullets.
Type “circle” In this style, the list items are marked with circles.
Type “square” In this style, the list items are marked with squares.

Is UL a bulleted list?


    HTML element represents an unordered list of items, typically rendered as a bulleted list.

Which bullet style can be used in an ordered list?

unordered lists (

    ) – the list items are marked with bullets. ordered lists (

      ) – the list items are marked with numbers or letters.

    How do you make an unordered list without bullets in HTML?

    Adding the “list-style: none” CSS class to the unordered list (

      ) or ordered list (

        ) tag

    removes any bullet or number.

    How do you make an unordered list list bullets in HTML?

    To create unordered list in HTML, use the


    . The unordered list starts with the

      tag. The list item starts with the

    • tag and will be marked as disc, square, circle, etc. The default is bullets, which is small black circles.

    What is unordered list HTML?

    An unordered list typically is a bulleted list of items. HTML 3.0 gives you the ability to customise the bullets, to do without bullets and to wrap list items horizontally or vertically for multicolumn lists.

    What is the default bullet in unordered list?

    The unordered list starts with the

      tag. The list item starts with the

    • tag and will be marked as disc, square, circle, etc. The default is bullets, which is small black circles. For creating an unordered list with circle bullets, use CSS property list-style-type.

    What is the default bullet in an unordered list?

    The unordered list starts with the

      tag. The list item starts with the

    • tag and will be marked as disc, square, circle, etc. The default is bullets, which is small black circles.

    What is the difference between ordered list and unordered list in HTML?

    Unordered list — Used to create a list of related items, in no particular order. Ordered list — Used to create a list of related items, in a specific order.

    Which tag is used for list items?

  • : The List Item element. The

  • HTML element is used to represent an item in a list. It must be contained in a parent element: an ordered list (
      ), an unordered list (

        ), or a menu ( ). In menus and unordered lists, list items are usually displayed using bullet points.
  • Which Bullet Points are used for unordered list items ( )?

    By default, unordered list items ( ) on a web page uses round bullet points. Round bullet points are styled like this: Round bullet points are enabled by default in your browser.

    How to use HTML unordered list or bulleted list?

    HTML Unordered List or Bulleted List displays elements in bulleted format . We can use unordered list where we do not need to display items in any particular order. The HTML ul tag is used for the unordered list. There can be 4 types of bulleted list: To represent different ordered lists, there are 4 types of attributes in tag.

    What is the list style in Ulul?

    ul { list-style-type: square; list-style-position: outside; list-style-image: none; }. In the shorthand, if any values are omitted, they will revert to their initial state. The list-style-type property defines the type of list by setting the content of each marker, or bullet, on the list.

    What is an element?

    The HTML element represents an unordered list of items, typically rendered as a bulleted list. The source for this interactive example is stored in a GitHub repository.

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