How big do ice blue cichlids get?

How big do ice blue cichlids get?

Size of fish – inches: 4.7 inches (11.99 cm) – They attain a length of about 4 3/4″ (12 cm) in the wild, but can grow larger in the aquarium reaching up to 5.28″ (13.4 cm). Lifespan: 10 years – Mbuna cichlids have a lifespan of about 10 years with proper care.

Is Ice Blue Mbuna?

William’s mbuna (Maylandia greshakei), also known as ice blue zebra mbuna or ice blue zebra or the Pseudotropheus ice blue among the aquarium enthusiasts, is a species of cichlid fish endemic to Lake Malawi where it is only found at Makokola in the southeastern arm of the lake.

Are blue zebra cichlids aggressive?

Cobalt Blue Zebra Cichlid s are a territorial and aggressive species of fish. Once they have established themselves in the tank, they will claim a territory in the vicinity of caves and crevices and defend it.

How big do blue zebra cichlids get?

General info about Cobalt Blue Zebra Cichlid The average adult male is 5 inches while the average adult female is 3 inches. Males have a pale blue body with four orange egg spots on the anal fin and females are either light blue or white and don’t have any egg spots.

Are ice blue cichlids aggressive?

Ice Blue Cichlids are hardy and moderately aggressive, similar to peacock cichlids in size and temperament.

How big do cobalt blue cichlids get?

5 1/2 inches
Cobalt blue cichlid, also known as zebra malawi cichlids, originate in Africa and can grow to lengths of 5 1/2 inches in captivity. Cobalt blue cichlids are aggressive fish who do well with others who have aggressive personalities.

How big do convict cichlids get?

around 4-5 inches
The average convict cichlid size is around 4-5 inches when fully grown. These fish are rather small compared to other cichlid species. The advantage of this is it means you can keep them in smaller tanks than other species as well.

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