Do cams have a break in period?
There are a few steps that must be taken when starting a brand new engine. On engines equipped with a flat tappet cam, BY FAR, the most critical and important thing is breaking-in the cam. Upon initial start-up, the engine MUST be run for 15 to 20 minutes at about 1,500 to 2,000 RPM.
How long should you break in a cam?
The most critical time in the life of a flat tappet camshaft is the first 20 minutes of break in, during which time the bottoms of the tappets mate-in with the cam lobes. This is true for both hydraulic and mechanical flat tappet camshafts.
What rpm do you break in a camshaft at?
Perhaps the most important step in the break-in process is to bring the engine immediately up to a minimum of 2,500 rpm or more. This is vital because most V8 pushrod engine camshafts are not pressure-lubed. Instead, the cam relies on splash oiling brought up from crankshaft movement.
What causes camshaft to break?
A broken camshaft is usually caused by a connecting rod or other rotating part coming loose and striking it. Sometimes the cam will break after a short time of use because of a crack or fracture in the cam due to rough handling during shipping or improper handling prior to installation.
What happens when camshaft breaks?
A broken camshaft can have a major impact throughout the top end of your engine, doing serious damage to parts like the crankshaft, cylinder block and head, valves, pistons, and connecting rods.
When should I change oil after cam break in?
Change Oil Often After using a break-in oil, you should change your oil at 50 miles, 500 miles, and 1,500 miles. Again, at 4,000 miles or so, it’s fine to switch to a synthetic oil if you choose.
What happens if camshaft breaks?
A vehicle with a damaged camshaft may suffer from reduced engine performance due to cylinder misfire. Your vehicle may hesitate and lose power, jerk or shake aggressively, consume more fuel than usual, and produce more emissions.
Why would a camshaft break?