What states is it legal to collect rainwater?

What states is it legal to collect rainwater? Most states allow citizens to collect rainwater and even encourage them to do so. Rhode Island, Texas, and Virginia encourage residents to collect rainwater by offering a tax credit or exemption for equipment purchased for rainwater harvesting. Why is rain water so good for plants? Rainwater also […]

What is immune system and its function?

What is immune system and its function? The major function of the immune system is to protect the host from environmental agents such as microbes or chemicals, thereby preserving the integrity of the body. This is done by the recognition of self and response to non-self. What are the signs of good immune system? Your […]

Does green tea help immune system?

Does green tea help immune system? One of the beneficial compounds found in green tea has a powerful ability to increase the number of “regulatory T cells” that play a key role in immune function and suppression of autoimmune disease, according to new research in the Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University. What should […]

How do I get rid of inverted P in Word?

How do I get rid of inverted P in Word? How do I remove the inverted P symbol that appears in my Word document? These symbols (called formatting marks) represent the invisible characters (such as page breaks and spaces) on your screen. To get rid of it press Ctrl+shift+8. How do you use P in […]

Is ethical objectivism true?

Is ethical objectivism true? The view that the claims of ethics are objectively true; they are not ‘relative’ to a subject or a culture, nor purely subjective in their nature, in opposition to error theories, scepticism, and relativism. Why is Emotivism unacceptable? Bad points of Emotivism In practical terms, Emotivism falls down because it isn’t […]

What do you mean by industrialization?

What do you mean by industrialization? Industrialisation is the period of social and economic change that transforms a human group to an industrial society from an agrarian society, involving the extensive manufacturing reorganisation of an economy. Industrialisation requires many key elements to grow on a significant scale. What are some of the positive effects of […]

What is a medium in storytelling?

What is a medium in storytelling? For your story, the medium is (a large part of) the message The story must change to fit the medium and the choices made in those changes can be benefits or detriments to the audience’s enjoyment. Matching medium and story is an art and is not always a straightforward […]

What is primary teaching experience?

What is primary teaching experience? As a primary school teacher, you’ll develop schemes of work and lesson plans in line with curriculum objectives. You’ll facilitate learning by establishing a relationship with pupils, keeping your learning resources organised and creating a positive learning environment in the classroom. What is a content objective in a lesson plan? […]

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