How do we promote common good?

How do we promote common good? Contributing to the common good involves accepting the responsibility to engage in the political and civic processes that will ensure that all citizens benefit from the policies and decisions made by Congress, legislators, judges, and other decision-makers. What is the role of family in the society? As basic and […]

How long does the writing TSI take?

How long does the writing TSI take? three to five hours What is the highest score you can get on the TSI writing test? Reading: a score in the range of 351390 in the multiple- choice section. CAN I RETAKE THE TEST? Writing: two ways(1) a score of 340390 in the multiple- If you are […]

What is luck in life?

What is luck in life? Luck refers to that which happens to a person beyond that person’s control. This view incorporates phenomena that are chance happenings, a person’s place of birth for example, but where there is no uncertainty involved, or where the uncertainty is irrelevant. How important is luck in life? Lucky people are […]

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