What does containers mean in MLA 8?

What does containers mean in MLA 8? According to the official MLA Style Center, a container is: “When the source being documented forms part of a larger whole, the larger whole can be thought of as a container that holds the source.” Knowing what containers are and how to use them is key in accurately […]

What message was used for the first time with Titanic?

What message was used for the first time with Titanic? I am busy. Once Titanic hit the iceberg, Phillips tone shifted and he used the Marconi distress signal: CQD. A component of the Marconi telegraph aboard the RMS Carpathia, which rescued Titanic’s survivors. Is the Titanic going to be raised? After several trips back to […]

How do I transcribe a phone number?

How do I transcribe a phone number? If the words area code are spoken before the telephone number, they should be included in the transcript. Spoken: “My telephone number is area code two oh six, two two six, double oh six zero.” Transcribed: My telephone number is area code Numbers given for height should be […]

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