Is arguing a sign of ADHD?

Is arguing a sign of ADHD? When you blame someone else for your problems, you become a victim of that other person, and you give up the power to change anything. Opposition seems to increase adrenaline in the ADHD brain. Some people with ADHD are argumentative and oppositional with all the people in their lives. […]

Why is it important to study management and organization?

Why is it important to study management and organization? Critical study of organisations and management helps to identify social responsibilities and responsiveness, organisation’s domination, how organisations use and exploit their employees and its associated effects as well as outcomes of corporate power, and overall shortcomings in the organisational setup and its … Why management is […]

How did Jamestown overcome their problems?

How did Jamestown overcome their problems? Due to bad government and near chaos, Smith was eventually elected president of the colony. He began a policy of rigid discipline, strengthened defenses, and encouraged farming with this admonishment: “He who does not work, will not eat.” Smith encouraged the colonists to grow crops for their own families […]

What is God ordained?

What is God ordained? The foundation and purpose of each of these institutions is found in the Bible. These three God-ordained institutions are the home, the government, and the church. They were instituted in that order. They each have a divine purpose, and many troubles begin to develop when they ignore their stated purpose. What […]

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