How do you describe shiver?

How do you describe shiver? Shivering is silent, you describe it as shivering or shaking (or teeth chattering as noted above). What is the cause of body shivering? A shiver is caused by your muscles tightening and relaxing in rapid succession. This involuntary muscle movement is your body’s natural response to getting colder and trying […]

Why was the reign of terror justified?

Why was the reign of terror justified? The first reason why the Reign of Terror was justified is that it brought a democracy to the French people; A democracy that had freed the French people from a monarchy that was going to destroy the common folk by crushing them with starvation, tensions between the common […]

What do I hope to gain from English class?

What do I hope to gain from English class? Goals for Every English Studentto become a more sophisticated become a better, more flexible become a better listener and more effective become a more creative and critical develop moral imagination, ethical values, and a sense of vocation. What can you learn in […]

Does the Internet make you dumber essay?

Does the Internet make you dumber essay? In the essay,Does the Internet Make You Dumber, by Nicholas Carr he analyzes the effects of internet usage on the brain. Carr argues that people are capable of knowing many new things all at once with internet usage, but this does not have any positive aspects to the […]

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